Short Saga 3

Challenge: The story must start with This is the story of how I died. But, don't worry, this is actually a fun story, and the truth is.... Word limit 150 words.


This is the story of how I died. But, don't worry, this is actually a fun story, and the truth is I have a new life.

I had seen twenty summers and the words of my long-deceased mother still rang in my ears, “My prince will marry a princess.” I took her words to heart. My friends, married and having spawned their ilk, tried to convince me that every mother says it to her son but she doesn’t mean it. Nevertheless, one day, while I lay in the passive wait for my princess, I witnessed a colony of bees entering my hut. As they buzzed in excitement, a tiny bee emerged from the swarm blushingly. An elderly bee introduced her as the princess, Daughter of Queen Bee. The Queen Bee, as she lay dying, decreed that her daughter be married to a male who lived by his mother’s word. Now, the buzz became deafening. I was stung all over. When I came to my senses, I was flapping my wings!


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