
Showing posts with the label cultural care


I never commit myself on issues that involve morality. But, history is a witness to the trade-off affected between morality and human advancement. Every social advancement was led by an impeachment of an older moral order, not to speak of the economic and the technological developments that mowed over the weeds of morality with gay abandon. But, society's doggedness to the moral sense is inexorable. I see three reasons for this. One, moral sense restrains the unruly spirits of men, which if left unbridled can lead to a social disorder. Two, one man's moral behaviour is in other man's interest, for self-abnegation is at the root of all ethics. Three, in treading a moral path, man shows his reverence for the past, which, to him, shall ever remain more glorious than his present. Every great principle, over time, get cluttered with non-essentials and expended in valuing the redundant. We choose a bunch of morals from the ones planted by tradition amidst us and discount them as ...