Why I Am Against Marriage

Blessings are not valued until they are lost. You realise this once you offer the fun and freedom of bachelorhood at the altars of marriage. The pleasure of cohabitation doesn't multiply on receiving a social sanction. Rather, with monogamy as the order of the day, it gets monotonous and obligatory.

When the ore of mutual love heats up in the furnace of marriage, it is love that first vaporises into thin air leaving only the scum of regret. Either a hellish lives of compromises or groaning under a broken marriage is the fate of all married couples. And, begetting children only adds to their woes. I am certain of a heaven on the other side of the grave and do not wish to settle on an apology for it in this life.

To me, marriage is to bring your weakness home, make her sit next to you and give her away your 'better half'. If my wife dumps all the garbage into the neighbour's compound, I got to support her and fight her case. Our children are the only innocent ones, while other children in the neighbourhood are always conspiring to spoil them. Narcissism quite similar to 'my nation, right or wrong' is encouraged by family in the form 'my family, right or wrong'.
In a host of Bollywood movie, when a hero police officer walks upright, the villain screws up his resolve by taking his family hostage. Corruption is another evil that a man perpetrates to provide his family with a decent living. Bacon aptly remarks, "For he that hath wife and children hath given hostages to fortune; for they are impediments to great enterprises, either of virtue or mischief."

Some people assume that God desires that we marry in order to bear children so that human life goes on. They seem to have measured the mind of the Omniscient One. If He so desires, then why does He send earthquakes, tsunamis killing men by thousands. What is His idea behind this wholesale destruction?

I don't understand why people choose to marry in this age of single parenthood. To reproduce? Artificial insemination is an answer for women who are fond of children. The sperm banks offer you the genetic advantage you wish for your children. Whether you want your child to be an engineer, or a doctor, or a painter, or a musician, all you need to do is ask for the desired ejaculate. If at any stage my parental instinct craves for a child, which is unlikely, I shall opt for surrogacy coupled with the benefits of artificial insemination. I can't be more unreasonable than to expect excellence from a progeny that genetically belongs to me.


Anonymous said…
Are you ready to take up the responsibility of another life and the ones that arise concomitant with it? Only if you are capable and confident enough, should you think of marriage. You cannot approach it as an experiment.

I know cases wherein people have regretted their decision of being single.
The idea that you have a person to share your joys and sorrows inspires you to go ahead and fight the battle of life. It is one of the unforgettable moments when you see your child opening its eye to the world. When it holds your hand with its tiny fingers, when it runs to you for safety, when it calls you as Dad lisping, when you see your child climbing the ladder of success, it's a joy that has to be experienced. You can't buy it or merely assume it.

With a right partner it's like being in heaven!

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